Sunday, March 8, 2009

New Tricks

This was really cute from a different angle but he wouldn't do it again so this is the best I could get. He's been funny lately with the different tricks he can do. He likes climbing David's ladder - he goes up it very fast but coming down is a bit slow. The other night, he started jumping but he doesn't always get both feet off the ground. He also really likes to stand on things made for sitting so he was in timeout several times today. :(

David started finishing our basement a few weekends ago. It's going to take a while because he only gets to work on it on the weekends when Isaac is awake. We have a few vacation days this month though so hopefully, he'll get a lot done then. I was excited today because he got the wall that divides the bathroom from a bedroom framed, so it's starting to take shape.

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