Saturday, April 4, 2009

Happy Easter!

We attended our first egg hunt of the year today. We practiced before the actual event so Isaac did pretty well gathering eggs but his basket (er, bucket) was so big, it didn't look like he got much. The hunt probably lasted a total of 5 minutes but he had a lot of fun playing basketball in the gym. Unfortunately, he got hit in the face with a ball but, being such a tough little guy, he got over it pretty quickly.

Hunt #2 is next Saturday. I'm very excited because we'll also get to dye eggs! I'd really like to hide those eggs around the house for Isaac to find on Sunday morning but he might be sick of eggs by then! :)

1 comment:

Brian Collier said...

So I'm surfing with Reese here at the computer and we check in on your page. As soon as it loaded, she saw Isaac's picture and started giggling. She loves her cousin. Mom said they were playing really well together last weekend up there.