Thursday, February 5, 2009

He's a monster!

The daycare called me at work today to let me know Isaac had fallen and hit his head on the corner of a wall. She said he had a good bump but he was ok. When I went to pick him up, the first thing that popped into my head was, "He looks like a monster!" They said it actually looked better. UGH! Poor guy.

These aren't the best pictures and the camera makes it look better than it does in person. This first one shows the vein popping out of his head and the second is a nice side shot to show how far it's sticking out. :( (Yes, we did have breakfast for dinner.)


Jen said...

Poor kid!

Melissa said...

Aww, poor little guy!! :(

Anonymous said...

His bump looks like mine did that one time when I was in elementary school. Only his is a little less centered. I looked more like I was trying to grow a unicorn horn.