Saturday, January 10, 2009

So many presents!

I can't believe three holidays have passed since I've posted but I haven't spent as much time on the computer outside of work as I used to so I don't think about it. I've changed roles at work and it's not busy enough yet to keep me online at night which is a good thing.

Isaac had a fun Christmas and really enjoyed opening presents this year. He likes tearing things into especially small pieces so it's a pain to clean up and it takes forever to get a package open but he was happy. :)

However, he did not like visiting Santa - he wouldn't even sit in the sleigh with us. He did like watching from afar and waving at the reindeer but wouldn't get anywhere near Santa without clinging to us. Maybe next year. (No, he doesn't wear that sweater all the's just Christmasy and that happened to be the main theme of this post.)

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