Saturday, August 15, 2009

Almost 2

It's almost September and I still haven't figured out what to do for Isaac's birthday. I have ideas for several activities that I want to do in the next couple of months but nothing that would be a good birthday party for a little guy who won't remember it. :) We're working on getting him to answer the question of how old he will be on his birthday but he keeps saying "One."

We've started switching off babysitting duties with a couple down the street so David and I have gotten to go out a few times recently. Tonight was our turn with the kids and they stayed still just long enough to get this picture. They like watching Word World - in small doses of course. :)

Isaac is talking more now but I still have a hard time understanding a lot of what he says. He's got his animal sounds down pretty well though - especially cow, dog (differentiating little dogs from big dogs - pretty impressive) and cat. He's also the cutest little money I've ever heard! He basically reads "Moo Baa La la la" and "The Very Busy Spider" to me since they're mostly animal sounds. :)

1 comment:

Charla said...

They look so cute, and how nice that you and David are getting to go out! What a nice trade off!